
Foth transforms challenging marine environments and structures into coastal assets that support the economic vitality of our nation’s ports and waterfront facilities. We offer comprehensive planning, design, and engineering services to revitalize ports and shipyards, improve navigation, and enhance the operation and enjoyment of our waterfronts. As an added enhancement, our team will work with you to identify and secure funding, helping make your projects possible.

Our team blends engineering with an understanding of environmental implications to meet operational demands and address the climatic forces that impact waterfront facilities. From dredging to marine construction, Foth’s designs, combined with regulatory expertise, result in solutions that are constructible, while respecting and responding to the environment.

water solutions - foth

"If there’s a problem, they are the first to stand up and say, “We’ll take care of it.""

— Foth Client


Read more about Foth’s waterfront and marine work.

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